Sunday, August 29, 2010

I must be nuts

Okay I'm a firm believer now that parenthood solidifies how nuts you really are. More often than not, I find myself almost at tears for no apparent reason at all. Tonight my sweet bear climbed over to me and started laying his head on me. Sweetest thing ever right? Even sweeter is that he was in bed, asleep by 7:08 pm. I took him to the playground again today where our walk led us last Thursday. For about 15 minutes of the 20-30 we were there he was trying to climb up the slides, climb the stairs, whatever he can get at. I'd like to think that's what attributed to his early bedtime. Anyway back to my nutzo story. So we returned today around 3:10 pm from our Little Rock trip and I was unpacking and took the things that belonged in his room in. Curled up in a little ball at the tip-top of his crib was my little booboo, sleeptalking/sleepcooing and it literally brought tears to my eyes. I mean seriously? It's just a little ball of flesh that gurgles and poos and farts. Okay, well maybe we got connected in the 9 months+ that he was inside of me. Maybe there is a bit of connection there.

Anyway, so we were in Little Rock this weekend. Pretty successful weekend. Friday night met up with one of my high school friends at my favorite hot spot cheap Mexican food, etc whatever you want to call it, Senor Tequila. Now that made for good times catching up over margaritas. One of the few high school friends who have met my little booboo. Had JohnJohn over as usual and caught up... DUNDADUN! He got a job! Saw Davey as well. Saturday morning we woke up, took Mo over to Jeanine's house to meet her son, Spencer. It was interesting to see him interact with an older child for the first time. He doesn't really get much time. He attempted to emulate
some of the things Spencer did, which was pretty entertaining. I cannot believe that pretty soon I'm going to have a toddler yelling, "LET'S PLAY TAG!" every 6 seconds. Who needs exercise routines then? Saturday night had date night with my baby daddy at our usual hangout - Big Whiskey's. They never fail to satisfy me. Continued on the night to celebrate JohnJohn's
birthday.We started at Willy D's but went to this new bar on the side.. Priouse or something like that? Very neat. Hangout with couches and low-key with a band. Cannot wait to be down there more often. Anyway, I need to start focusing on this week's festivities and thought I'd update you with some info. Roll the reel.

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